Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone

 This is what it looks like to step out of your comfort zone. I signed up for a five week spring trail running series the beginning of April put on by Ardor Trail Running, in Newport, Oregon. I'd seen in the past that the local running club offered a trail running series but it never worked with my schedule. Last year I was dealing with hamstring issues and was not running.

                                                Photo: Ardor Trail Running 

This year I saw Ardor Trail Running created a Facebook event. I immediately knew this is something I wanted to do. My sister-in-law, Paige and I ran our first trail race last October in Molalla, a 5k in the Molalla Corridor put on by the local running club. It was a super fun race. We both had a blast. I signed up then saw that the longest run was going to be six miles and the elevation that we would be running. Then I got nervous. I didn't realize it was an actual timed "race," complete with a number until the first race. In that moment if I could have left I would have. I am not into beating times or even keeping track, I just wanted the experience of trail running.

To say that the first two races were challenging is an understatement. It's one thing to be able to run 4-6 miles, running trails with elevation gains of 1,000 feet is a complete different experience. After that first race I discovered muscles in my legs I didn't even know I had. There was one hill that I was afraid if I didn't have enough momentum that I was going to be rolling down the hill. Thankfully, I made it up...just barely!

The scenery is breathtaking. Each week is a different route with different loops and trails. Each week the trails are marked. Last week was 6.2 miles. One point running through dense forest not even on a real trail. Good thing running through waste high ferns doesn't bother me and I thought to wear pants instead of running shorts. The first two weeks we shorter distances but the hills, oh LORD the hills. This evening's run is only four miles but I have a feeling there are going to be a few of those butt burning hills as tonight's run is titled: Gluteus Maximus.

                                              Photo: Ardor Trail Running 

My legs are looking amazing. This is from last week's run "The New World." It was 6.2 miles with a elevation gain of almost 1,400 feet. I was super nervous. It ended up being my favorite run so far of the series. The sense of completion was amazing. A week later I am still basking in the glory of crossing the finish line. I am enjoying meeting new people, testing my endurance and falling in love with trail running. I am excited that Ardor Trail Running is going to be doing another five race series starting June 24th. If you are in the Central Coast area and are interested you can find Ardor Trail Running on Facebook. Be prepared to be challenged and make a few new friends!


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