Bridge to Brew

I apologize for taking so long getting this blog post together! Last month I ran the Bridge to Brew race in downtown Portland.  It was so much fun! I did this race back in 2013 with my sister, SIL and friends.  Then it was at a different location, at the Widmer Brothers Brewery. This year was much, much bigger!

Like the last time I ran Bridges to Brew I got to spend the weekend with my BIL & SIL and see my nephews, always a treat! Mr. W was traveling shuttling Olivia to a weekend basketball tournament in Albany. I was super excited and surprised to see him standing at the finish line. He was able to snap these pictures of me as I crossed the finish line.

I love Portland so much. The city has such a great vibe. The race was large. It took me almost five minutes to cross the start line once the race officially started. There were so many walkers it was difficult to maneuver around them. I knew this race wasn't going to be my best time. I was excited to have the opportunity to run in downtown Portland. I was thrilled that it was not raining.

I did the 10k. Starting the race I could have went faster given the chance. Throughout the entire race I was weaving through runners and walkers.  At times it got to be a little frustrating.  My Garmin was having issues so I didn't start it until a few minutes into my run so it was off on my time. I ran without music, my first 10k without tunes. I am trying to forgo music on my longer runs. This race was easy as there were so many funny costumes and fabulous people watching along the entire race. I felt strong. Tropical Nuun was my flavor of the day.

In all it was a fun weekend. Was able to visit family, see friends that I normally don't get to see often and spend the morning running the streets of one of my favorite cities! If you get the opportunity to run Bridge to Brew I suggest you do it! 


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