Mermaid 101

Tonight I finished up a four week swim class at my local community center.  After my first triathlon in September I struggled with the swim the most, complete with a freak out moment half way through the swim.  I was also having some pain in my left shoulder which had me worried. I am so glad that I signed up for classes as my form has improved and I am no longer in pain. I think I might actually be faster! Up till a few years ago I didn't know how to swim that well. I've never been afraid of the water. I just don't know how to do any of the strokes. I am pretty much still clueless when it comes to swimming but I am in the pool and I know more than I did when I first started on this triathlon journey so I feel at least I am making some kind of progress. My friend Anne was right when she said that swimmers are silent assholes. Have you been to a lap swim lately? I took her advice a few years ago and took lessons which helped a lot not only to help me not choke on water but to built my confidence to attend lap swim. Mary's Triathlon Tip: mirrored swim goggles make you look a like you actually know what you are doing when really you don't.

The past few weeks I've been running and biking. Now that I've completed my swim lessons I am ready increase my time in the pool. Like my instructor said only time in the pool will help. I ordered more mirrored glasses. At least this go around I can now swim in the inside lanes as before I would hug the side of the pool for safety and comfort.


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