How Do I Homeschool My Children and Not Lose My Mind?

For those of you who don't know I homeschool. Please, please drop whatever judgement that just popped into your head just now. No, I don't drive a 15-passenger van. No, I do not make my girls write passages out of the bible nor do I wear denim jumpers. Don't get me started about how some women think that yoga pants should be banned. That is another blog post for another day.

Since I homeschool that means that I am with my children twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. After awhile it begins to wear on me. Thankfully, I homeschool with a few other moms and we have a mini co-op of sorts were we [GASP] socialize together a few times a week. I love that we have scheduled fun educational activities with other friends my girls' ages like art lessons and book club. It makes for some crazy busy mornings, finishing up schoolwork to meet up for activities in the afternoons. Most days I feel like all I am doing is racing the clock all the while making sure that we have accomplished what we need to get done for the day. I am always doing at least three things at a time. Helping one child with math while I am prepping dinner and lesson planning for next week. I live at the Edge of the World where it takes time to get anywhere so I have to plan accordingly. Now with basketball practices a few times a week I am also packing afternoon snacks and changes of clothing because we live too far from the social hub that I can't be making multiple trips a day.  Planning, planning...attempting to stay three steps ahead of everyone.  Yes, my car is nasty. As of this year I no longer care. That's what air freshener is for.

That is why lately I am loving my workouts even more. I love that when I am on my bike that is the only thing I have to focus on along with keeping track of characters on my newest audiobook. When I am on my long run it's just me and my music for an hour. Half hour swim, it's just me and my thoughts, zoning out. I can't worry about laundry when I am five miles from my house, nor I can hear my children fighting over who is going to unload the dishwasher. I am so thankful that my girls are at ages where I can actually leave them alone. I've been known, when in a moment of pure frustration to go for a run. A half hour and three miles later I am able to talk without yelling and everyone has had a chance to calm down. If you have tween girls you understand. Running/biking/swimming is healthier than guzzling vodka.

Bonus I look awesome in my yoga pants.


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