Love of a Dog

I am not a fan of Valentine's Day. But then it occurred to me last night that Valentine's Day is when we got Leia. Today marks the one year anniversary of Leia Skywalker joining our family. Mr. W was dead set on getting a dog. I was less than thrilled. The last thing I wanted to deal with was a puppy. The original plan was that our 2nd dog would be a German Shepard. We soon realized that no way would a hairy, large dog fit in our RV, The Wonder Wagon. Thank God! We went camping and saw the perfect dog for us, a Swedish Vallhund. Picture in your mind a "low rider" German Shepard, same coloring but only smaller. Perfect temperament and size for our family after online research. The downside was puppies were extremely expensive. Mr. W came upon a Swedish Vallhund website and saw that there was a breeder in our area who had a Cattle Dog/Swedish Vallhund mix puppy for free. It took Leia and I a few months to bond. She was Mr. W's idea but she has ended up a...