An Angel with Red Fur and Bad Teeth: Goodbye Rudy Ray

A month ago I had to say good-bye to Rudy, my very first dog that I've owned in my life. I had sort of prepared myself for our parting one day. She wasn't a puppy when I got her almost six years ago. You are never ready to say good-bye to some one you love.  Her health had been deteriorating the past six months. She was no longer able to hear. Her vision was beginning to fail. Yeah, I know people will say she was just a dog. To me she was my friend. My constant companion, always happy to see me not matter what was going on. If I had a bad day she was ready to snuggle in my lap. She was always ready for an adventure by foot, car or RV.  It's been a month now. I can look at pictures without crying. I can even laugh now when retelling funny stories of Rudy. I know that I will never be able to replace her. No dog will take her place. I am thankful for the brief time that we had together. I am glad that I have another dog in the house otherwise the pain of losing Rudy would be even greater. Dogs are really angels with fur. Good-bye dear sweet Rudy.


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