Barrel to Keg Relay July 16, 2016

Last year my friend Gway and I put together a team to do our very first relay, Barrel to Keg. We both had never done a relay before but both had it on our running bucket list. She recruited a few friends. I recruited a few friends. None of our friends knew each other, at the end of the relay we were all fast friends. We had a fabulous time and agreed that we must do it again. The year flew by and as in the way relays work a few of the ladies from last year were unable to do it. We scrambled a bit to find enough people but as fate works, the right and perfect ladies presented themselves  just a few days before the relay. Gway and I both agree that we are not competitive when it comes to this relay. We are all about having fun and encouraging each other. It's okay if you don't like Jack Black, but absolutely NO divas allowed. 

Last year our team was the Chuggin' Mommas. As we were trying to decided a theme and costume ideas for this year we decided upon Nacho Momma's. How did we you ask? It's from last year when team member Holly received an encouraging text message from her husband. The inspiriting message quoted lines from the Jack Black movie, Nacho Libre. Some of us had not heard of this movie or familiar with the character of Nacho Libre. Holly enthusiastically recounted the movie for us. Holly does an impressive Nacho Libre. By the end of the relay we joked that if should do this relay again that we should do a Nacho Libre theme. That's exactly what we did. One email to the race director and we were the Nacho Mommas! 

With the help of Google, Amazon and a few dozen text messages between the seven of us we manage to put together a pretty fabulous team costume. We assumed the team for a pasta potluck dinner where we decorated Gway's car and finalized our costumes with the fabulous iron on transfer with the help from Gway's adorable daughters. We were ready! 

The 69 mile adventure began in Philomath at Harris Bridge Vineyard and ended at Rogue Ales Brewery in Newport. There were different divisions~walkers, runners. 7, 4 person teams as well as a few solo runners. Our goal was to finish, happy and injury free. We were excited to see that the weather was going to be a lot cooler than last year. Which made all of us very happy! Looking around at the start line we saw that we were the only ones wearing costumes. We quickly gathered our race packet and begun to put the finishing touches decorating Gway's car. One of the judges gave us an encouraging comment saying we were in the lead for best costume. How could we NOT with mustaches and red capes? 

I love this relay. It's so much fun. I love seeing so many familiar faces. Since becoming more active the past few years I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful people through running and Triathlon. I love how my entry fee benefits Community Services Consortium (SCS) a public non-profit that helps local individuals and families over come poverty in Lincoln County as well as surrounding counties. The overall vibe of the relay is positive and fun with lots of great volunteers and porta potties at every exchange point. When other team vans passed me on my runs it's with honking, cowbells and encouraging shouts. The course is absolutely beautiful. My first leg was hilly almost five miles. The expansive views had me in awe. The large rock gravel kept me focused on not tripping. I could tell my half Ironman training served me well as I was able to get some good speed on my second leg which surprised me.  I was thankful for the much cooler weather.  What I loved most was cheering for everyone. Our red capes became a beacon for positivity and encouragement along the course. Felecia one of my fellow Nacho Mommas appreciated the bright red capes as it made it easier for her to see us on the course. I have to admit I missed my cape the next day. I had to resist the urge to clap for the elderly woman walking her Pomeranians early the next morning. "You got this!" "Looking strong" wouldn't surely get some strange looks. 

Mr. W was our volunteer last year. This year he opted to chill in the Wonder Wagon enjoying a peaceful day away from work.  We took the Wonder Wagon out of storage and stayed at the Port of Newport at the Marina, which is across the way from the finish line. How's that for perfection? I really like the RV Resort at the Marina. It's walking distance to the Rogue. The showers and bathrooms are super clean. The view of the Yaquina Bay Bridge from our RV spot was beautiful. It's where we stayed last year. I swear I feel like I am on vacation far away when reality I am only a half hour away from home. Mr. W and the girls enjoyed visiting the Newport Aquarium while waiting for the Nacho Mommas to cross the finish line.   

Something magical happens when you gather seven women together for a 69 mile relay in one car all wear matching stretchy pants, capes and mustaches. The highlight of the day was six of us running across the Yaquina Bay Bridge with our red capes flying wildly behind us as we then gathered all together and crossed the finish line hand and hand. We came in 67th our of 70 total teams. In our division we came in dead last out of all women teams. We were all impressed with our overall pace of 10:02. We rocked this relay! Do we care that a walking team, the Walkaholics came in an hour faster than us? No. Our medal and shirts look exactly the same as the team that crossed the finish line first. What is super fabulous is that the Nacho Mommas won most creative costume/van!!!!!!! We were all very excited. We got a huge basket bull of Rogue Beer, fresh baked bread and other goodies. Proof that the Nacho Mommas are "the best!" 

Nacho Mommas official time: 11:31:32 

"My life is good. Real good."~Nacho Libre 

The Nacho Mommas in our stretchy pants after we summoned our eagle powers at the finish line. 

Left to right: Emily, Gway, Alethea, Felecia, Meredith, me and Holly in the official Nacho Libre mask. 

Special Thank you to our team volunteer, Shelby recruited by Gway who was at the finish line directing runners to the finish line. 

Gway~Thank you for saying yes when I asked you about doing a relay over two years ago. Your a great co-captain. Thanks for letting us use your car. You're the best! 


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