The Countdown Is On

The countdown is on for my first half Ironman in June. My husband surprised me, signing me up  for Victoria for my 40th birthday back in September. Now the race is less than three months away. Sadly my girlfriend who I was originally going to do Victoria with is not going to be able race as she is suffering from a lingering injury that is preventing her from running. 

I found a triathlon plan and have stuck to it religiously except for two weeks when we went on a Wonder Wagon Adventure through the Canadian Rockies and I got hit with the flu. Thankfully I carried enough of my base from last year into training for Victoria. My half marathon training for my March marathon has helped with my endurance.

am excited to have two girlfriends, Miranda and Alycia who are training for Ironman Chattanooga, their first full Ironman in September. Compared to their training my half Ironman seems totally doable. Last weekend we swam our first open water swim at a nearby lake together. It's nice to have friends to swim and bike with. It's great motivation. 

My goal for Victoria is to finish. Having a coach would be awesome, maybe next time. Since this is my first half Ironman I am going for the experience. It's going to be awesome. How do I know? I've been enjoying my training. Sleeping has never been more amazing nor have bacon cheeseburgers tasted this awesome. 


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