2015 Season Is OVER!

Wow, what a season! I accomplished so much and crushed some serious doubts and fears this past year. This crazy season started all because of a few glasses of wine and an application to be a Nuun Ambassador late one night. Becoming a Nuun Ambassador shoved me out of my comfort zone. When I turned thirty-nine last year I deemed year thirty-nine to be a year of awesome. I wanted the year it to be amazing, I wanted to go out of my thirties with a bang. I think I accomplished that and more. 

I pretty much had a race every month beginning in March, ending my season in September, a total of eight races. I completed in three triathlons, two sprints and my very first Olympic triathlon with my first open water swim. I completed five running races: three 10k's, my first relay race and my first half marathon. Three of those eight races we took the Wonder Wagon. It was great to have our rolling home on wheels on race day. Mr. W is all about using our RV and not having it sit in storage. I am glad I have given it a valuable purpose. Now I can talk Mr. W into doing more races further away. It's a win-win. I get to race in cool places and Mr. W gets to enjoy a road trip. I see more family adventures in our future! 

In the past I usually trained solo. This year I joined Willamette Valley Triathlon Club in Salem and started running with a group in Newport, Team Ardor. Sadly due to the distance and life I wasn't able to participate as much as I would have liked with the triathlon club. I've enjoyed running with Team Ardor in Newport. I discovered that I absolutely love trail running! I can't wait to do it again this spring/summer. I'd love to start doing longer distances in the future. I love the camaraderie of running with a group. I've met some wonderful new friends, friends I wouldn't have met otherwise if it were not for running. 

I am so thankful for the ability to swim, bike and run. I love this crazy sport called triathlon. I love the people I've met because of it. This past year I've realized that I can set goals and smash them. The accomplishment of realizing that I am stronger than I think I am. In addition to being Olivia and Vivian's mom and Mr. W's wife, I am a triathlete. Thank you to Nuun for giving me the awesome opportunity to represent their company. Swim Bike Mom, Meredith Atwood was a huge inspiration as well as Another Mother, Dimity McLowell and Sarah Bowen Shea. Their plans are what I used for my running training plans. Did you see me smiling as I was running along Hwy 101 in the rain? I was     smiling because I was listening to AMR podcasts, laughing through the miles. To my friend Anne, she is the person who open my eyes and introduced me to this crazy life changing sport called triathlon. Time to start planning for 2016. 


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