The Chugging Mommas: The Best Team at Barrel to Keg Relay

I know summer is almost over and here I am just now writing about my awesome experience running my first ever Barrel to Keg relay back in July. Even though it was almost two months ago it feels like just yesterday (minus the throbbing feet and a few toenails). The race was a fabulous experience that still makes me smile when I think about it.  I met some wonderful new friends and had a total blast! I love how the proceeds from the race benefit a local non-profit that help local individuals in Lincoln County overcome poverty.  

Our team the Chugging Momma's pictured right to left: me, Gway, Holly, Kelly, Kelsey, Felicia & Jen. 

Over the course of the day our seven member team ran a total of 69 miles. Each of us running two 3-7 mile legs. The route had us run through scenic back roads of the Oregon Coast range. We started at 7am at Harris Bridge Vineyard in Philomath and ended at the Rogue Brewery in Newport and were reward with a much deserved beer and tasty dinner. 

This was my very first relay race. I didn't have a clue what to expect. I am a Virgo, I appreciate and crave order and predicability. Our team didn't meet until the day before the relay. I had wanted to do a relay for the past few years and had my eye on this race. It came to be my friend Gway had a few friends from South Lincoln County and I had a few friends from North Lincoln County. By the time we reached Newport, at the end of the relay we were all friends. 

The weather forecast called for near hundred degree weather in Corvallis. Usually it gets cooler  towards the coast. That was not the case on the day of the relay. I ran the first leg of the day. I was prepared for hills. I had been running weekly trail runs in a summer trail series in Newport to help me prepare. It wasn't as difficult as I anticipated. It was an easy and beautiful five mile leg. A group of wild turkeys crossed my path as I made my way on the gravel road. The atmosphere was relaxed and celebratory. With vehicles decorated and many runners in costumes.

Here I am pictured with my Nuun in hand running the very first leg of the day. Photos by my friend Jen as my friend Gway passed me on the way to the first check point. After my first leg I realized that Barrel to Keg was going to be fun! I was relived that there were super clean porta potties at every exchange point.

I am thankful for my friend Gway who helped me put together our team and let us use her new car for the day. We would have made an awesome commercial for Toyota. Gway's Highlander was fabulous! It fit all seven of us and as well as all our stuff comfortably! It was Gway's first relay as well. We met several years ago when our daughters did ballet together. Gway was a genius and had a 5-gallon water container full of cold water that saved us with the intense heat of the day. You can never have too much water when running a relay!

Here I am taking off for my second leg, giving a high-five to Kelsey. I ended up switching with Gway for a longer leg. My second leg was six grueling miles in direct sun. I was so thankful for the cooling bandeau that my husband gave me. I got it wet and would wave in the air and apply to my neck. It provided cooling and kept the sun off my shoulders.  What helped me most through that leg was my teammates cheering me on and multiple bottles of grape Nuun. I swear that stuff is magic. 

Even though hot and tired I couldn't get over the beauty of the race. As we neared Toledo we knew we were getting close. It was great seeing my teammates from my running group that I run with in Newport throughout the relay. It was encouraging and motivating to see familiar faces. My husband was our team volunteer and was stationed out on the course directing runners. I knew that he would be waiting at the finish line along with our daughters. I was looking forward to seeing him.

The entire day was amazing but one of the highlights for me was running over the Yaquina Bay Bridge. Our last runner was not feeling well after her first leg earlier in the day. It was questionable if she was going to be able to run or not. We were prepared to spilt up her leg between all of us. Like a rockstar she pushed through her discomfort and ran her entire leg. She requested two miles from the end, to have someone run with her while we were along the Bay Front. Four of us jump out of the car and ran with her over the bridge. I've driven over that bridge hundreds of times but the view as I ran was breathtaking. The pain and exhaustion of the day disappeared as the made our way towards the finish line. We met up with the remaining members of our team and we crossed the finish line together as a united team. In the moments before crossing the finish line I couldn't believe that the day was over already. As difficult, hot and tired as I was, I didn't want the day to end!

Left to Right: Jen, Felecia, Kelly, Holly, Kelsey, Me & Gway 

Here we are the Chuggin' Momma's pictured shortly after we crossed the finish line. It was serendipity. We had more in common than we realized even before reaching the starting line in Philomath. We are all moms who share in having a fun sense of humor, live in various areas of Lincoln County and who all enjoy running.  Over the course of that day we shared our favorite distances, our dream races, how we fell in love with running, health challenges that motivate us to lace up our shoes and hit the pavement. We talked about our kids, our husbands and the previous races we have done. Our goal wasn't to be the fastest. It was for the experience of completing the race. I'd have to say that we won first place. In the words of Nacho Libre, we were the best!  We have our theme ready for next year and brain storming for costumes has already started. I can't wait for Barrel to Keg 2016!


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