Happy Winter Solstice!

Happy Winter Solstice! I had some fabulous pictures from our family's celebrating last night, but my  computer is being difficult this morning. We celebrated a night early. We have a yearly tradition of eating dinner by candlelight as a family. I love that this year during Hanukkah, Winter Solstice and Christmas Eve fall during the eight nights of celebration.

I love Winter Solstice. To me it's like a finish line. I've made it to the shortest, darkness day, now it's only going to get lighter and days longer. The count down to summer is on! As my daughters grow older I love incorporating different winter celebrations into our celebration Christmas. I want them to learn that many of the Christmas and Hanukkah traditions come from ancient Winter Solstice rituals from ancient times. The more I learn about history I find it fascinating. Like how people in Northern Europe used to light huge bonfires (this sounds like a fun tradition to incorporate into next year's festivities!). Scandinavians had the festival of Yuletide. Romans were big on gift giving and bringing evergreens inside. People in Britain and Celts used mistletoe on the alters.

Now that we know the real reason of why it is so dark this time of year, the changing position of the Earth in relation to the sun. Out of the darkness comes new beginnings. This time of year for me is about reflection, celebrating my own light and the relationships that have with others. This time of year is about making memories. Happy Winter Solstice, may you find comfort in the darkness and welcome the light of love and cheer this holiday season!


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