First Race of 2016: Easy Like Sunday Morning

Leia and I ran our first half marathon together on March 6th, the Lincoln City Elk Stampede, also known as the Lincoln City Half Marathon & 10k. I've done the 10k the past two years. I wanted to do one half marathon before my half Iron Man in June, since Leia is my running partner she got to cross off completing her first half marathon off her bucket list. In the parking lot waiting in our car. Leia wasn't too sure what to think with all the people milling about. This was Leia's very first race. She could sense the energy and knew that she was going for a run, with me in my running gear, her blue leash in sight, and her bright green pack in the backseat. She had only ran once with a group. Usually we run solo along busy Highway 101. The first six miles of the race Leia was super excited and had lots of energy, pulling me at times. I didn't want to start off too fast so I had to reign her in. Usually she is right beside me or slightly be...